Many people wait a long time for Black Friday, there are deals and Bargains everywhere. Most the time we end up on a site like Amazon or Walmart or Home Depot just by what looks like a good deal. those people looking for good deals on flashlights we’ve done the work. as of right now no Black Friday or cyber Monday deals have been publicized but we just want to put this page up so you know where to come.
This is the place where you will find the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday flashlight deals of 2025.
Many people spend hours poking around online and looking through news papers to try and figure out what is on sale for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. For those of you looking for flashlights you have come to the right place. Also by shopping online you will save yourself a ton of time by getting it delivered to your house and not having to wait in crazy lines.
On this page we will also post things that are related to flashlights or niches that use flashlights quite a bit camping, survival, tactical gear, everyday carry, etc. We hope that you find what you are looking for. And if you find a killer deal that we do not have listed please reach out to us and let us know.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Flashlight Deals 2025
Olight Black Friday Sale
Olight has almost everything on sale! Their ad literally says “Save up to 45% for all products (except X9R)”. Head on over to Olight Store to check out some of their great packages on light. Olight Store usually also gives away flashlights if you spend over a certain amount. Use code 10%off while at the store. From headlamps, weapon lights, long range lights, and great EDC lights.
Olight Store Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale
Optics Planet Black Friday Sale
Optics Planet always has great sales but they are turning it up a little bit for Black Friday. Check out the sales that they have going on flashlight right now. Since Optics Planet is mainly focused on the firearms niche you will find lots of high quaility brands like SureFire and Streamlight.
We will try and cover all of the placed where we know flashlights can be purchased. Again, if you find a deal anywhere that we do not have here please let us know in the comments so we can add it. In the mean time take care.
Thanks for visiting, we hope that you were able to find what you were looking for here. If you did not find a good deal then maybe click through to check out the other deals on Amazon, Home Depot, Walmart, etc… Or if you want to stick around here and keep learning about flashlights go for it. In the worst case senario that you do not find the light that you want or the right light to gift somebody take a look at our buyers guides to help you find the right light for you or your friends.
Links on this site may be affiliate links which means that if you use them and then go buy something we will receive a small commission. This is how we keep this site running… The good thing is that there is no extra cost to you so it is just like giving us a little thank you for something that you were probably going to buy anyway. So thank you in advance.